Cubbies is for children ages 3-4. Cubbies celebrates the spiritual potential of preschoolers by helping them develop respect for God, His Son, and His Word. Our Cubbies programs is split into 3 main parts that are 30 minutes each. The first 30 minutes is game time. We play a variety of games and when weather permits, we enjoy the church playground. After game time, we return to our room for snacks, a puppet show, and our Bible story for the day. Our last 30 minutes of club is handbook time where clubbers recite the verse(s) they've learned at home to our leaders. While children wait their turn for verse recitation, they have a craft time. Right before dismissal we announce awards for the night and also allow eligible clubbers to visit the Cubbie Store. For each verse a Cubbie recites, they earn one Cubbie coin. Once they have collected 6 coins, they can visit our store and pick out one item.
The Cubbies director is Jennifer Sloane. Our leaders are Esther Stauffer and Cyndi Simpson. Commander Tim joins us for puppet time.
You can learn more about the Cubbies program from the official Cubbies website.