Scholarships: Applications are now available to apply for a scholarship. You must be an active member of South End Baptist Church to apply. Contact the church office for an application. Applications are due back by May 31.
Woman's Missionary Union (WMU): Ladies, the first meeting is on February 23, 6:00-7:00 pm
Small Groups: We have started up small groups! There is still time to join. Contact the church office to sign up for a small group.
Food Pantry: Thank you for your generous donations! With your help, we have been able to serve many families in our community. We are currently in need of stuffing, pancake mix, peanut butter, spaghetti sauce, cereal, tuna, mashed potatoes, canned vegetables, and soup.
Food Pantry: Saturday, February 22, 9:30-11:30 am. Free and open to everyone in our community!