
Scroll Down for Upcoming Events

  • Are you looking for a new church family to learn and worship with? We would love to know more about you and your family, please contact us today.
  • Looking for our latest sermon? Watch on YouTube today Access previous sermons to listen to them anytime at your convenience.
  • Wanna see more? Visit our Facebook page! Follow our page and keep up with the latest happenings.

This Week at a Glance


Sunday, November 24

  • 9:30 a.m. Sunday School
  • 10:45 a.m. Worship Service 
  • 5:30 p.m. Awana


Wednesday, November 27

  • Church Office Closed
  • 7:00 p.m. Prayer Meeting Livestream


Thursday, November 28

  • Happy Thanksgiving!


Sunday, December 1

  • Poinsettia Order Forms Due
  • 9:30 a.m. Sunday School
  • 10:45 a.m. Worship Service



Poinsettia Order Forms are available at the Welcome Center! Cost is $6.00 for a 6" pot with 5+ blooms. You have a choice of red, white, and pink. Poinsettias will decorate the sanctuary starting December 8. You can take home your poinsettia(s) after the worship service on Sunday, December 22.

Woman's Missionary Union (WMU): Ladies, WMU is starting back up again in January! If you are interested in joing our group, please contact the church office.

Small Groups: We are starting up small groups! Groups will be based on age and are as follows. Launch: college students; Forge: adults 22-39 years old; Legacy: adults 40-59 years old; Seasoned Seniors: adults 60+. Contact the church office to sign up for a small group.

Food Pantry: Thank you for your generous donations! With your help, we have been able to serve many families in our community. We are currently in need of spaghetti sauce.

Upcoming Events

Wreaths Across America: December 14 at Mt. Olivet Cemetery. A group from SEBC will be placing wreaths on veterans’ graves. The bus will leave at 11:00 am. Contact the church office to reserve your seat. This fills up fast!

Christmas Party: Saturday, December 14, 5:30 pm in the fellowship hall. Join us for an evening of fun, games, and fellowship!

Food Pantry: Saturday, December 28, 9:30-11:30 am. Free and open to everyone in our community!