Community Resources

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Donations Needed


SEBC will be collecting baby items for the Care Net Pregnancy Center the last three weeks in March. Below is a list of items that the Center is in the greatest need of. However, if you have already been collecting items that are not on this list, the Center will happily accept them. "Gently used" clothing is also appreciated.


We are suggesting different items for each week. However, if it is more convenient for you to bring your item on one of the other two weeks, please feel free to do so.

March 13: New baby bottles, clothes (size "newborn" - spring/summer - boys and girls)
March 20: Diapers (sizes 5 and 6*), nursing pads
March 27: Bath tubs, sanitary pads

*Diapers and clothing are needed the most.


 There will be a large box in the church lobby to put your donations in.


If you prefer to make a monetary donation, please make your check payable to: Care Net Pregnancy Center of Frederick.